SUM Bilbao 2021 -Sustainable Mobility Congress

SUM Bilbao will take place on 6-7 October 2021. A major international event in which leaders, institutions and companies will discuss strategic aspects, exchange experiences and solutions and work together to build the mobility of the future with sustainability as key driver.

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Beginning of the online course : "Localizing the SDGs"

This training is based on the 3 learning modules on the SDGs localization and the roadmap designed by the UCLG and Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, UNDP-Art and UN-Habitat, to support local and regional governments in the formulation, planning and implementation of policies in order to create an environment that facilitates action for sustainable development

In order to enable the participation of as many countries as possible, the course will be available in three languages: Spanish, English and French. This entails a greater diversity of visions and experiences that can only enrich the training.

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European Sustainable Development Week

The ESDW is a European-wide initiative to stimulate and make visible activities, projects and events that promote sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will take place this year from 18 September – 08 October, with the core of the Week taking place 20 September – 26 September.

+ info: website

Global Week to #Act4SDGs

The Global Week to #Act4SDGs (17-28 September) aims to drive collective action, mobilizing key stakeholders from all sectors to drive change while reminding world leaders that people around the world are doing their part to accelerate progress on the SDGs. Held during the high- level week of United Nations General Assembly, this year’s mobilization will also drive action around the Food Systems Summit, pre-COP in Milan, and keep up momentum in the lead up to COP 26 in Glasgow.

People around the world are joining in solidarity to show there is hope beyond the pandemic, and that we can turn it around for a healthy, just and green recovery, keeping the promise of the SDGs in this decisive decade counting down to 2030.

This year the week will feature a creative and open source individual action campaign, with strong social media and out of home manifestations capturing the imagination of new and younger audiences, many of whom are increasingly conscious of how they live, work, travel and consume. This year’s creative campaign will focus on putting the individual in the picture and driving home the message that there is hope beyond the pandemic and that we can all be part of the solution, inviting everyone to play their part in turning it around.

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Smart City Expo World Congress

The lessons learned from last year will contribute to creating an enhanced hybrid, cross-platform experience: a combined physical event of Smart City Expo World Congress and Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress, with the digital platform of Smart City Live offering endless opportunities.

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Participe dans le “Smart Cities Study 2021”

La Communauté de Pratiques des Villes Numériques de CGLU vise à promouvoir le développement d'une vision et d'une dynamique communes parmi les gouvernements locaux en faveur d'une société de l'information inclusive qui favorise la réduction de la fracture numérique et l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies comme levier pour le développement de villes durables et compétitives.

Son objectif principal est l´actualisation du «Smart Cities Study» tous les 2-3 ans. Une étude qui est proposée avec une approche globale et transversale des différents leviers dans lesquels réside le potentiel de croissance et de transformation d'une ville.

À ce jour, 3 éditions de l'étude ont été publiées: 2012, 2017 et 2019. Il est maintenant temps de réaliser une nouvelle édition de l'étude, qui vise à connaître la situation pré-pandémique dans les villes, en identifiant leur niveau de numérisation et les ressources et outils «intelligents» dont elles disposaient et à analyser l'impact de la pandémie sur les différents domaines de la gouvernance locale et quelles nouvelles mesures ou outils «intelligents» ont été utilisés pour lutter contre les conséquences négatives générées. Enfin, l'étude souhaite vérifier dans quelle mesure ce type d'actions a permis d'augmenter la résilience des villes, et évaluer l'utilité de nouvelles mesures et outils pour lutter contre les crises futures.

Un questionnaire a donc été élaboré à cet effet, qui sera adressé aux villes et destiné à recueillir des informations de nature essentiellement qualitative sur la situation et les caractéristiques de chacune d'entre elles dans ces domaines.

Nous vous encourageons vivement à prendre part à cette étude et à répondre au questionnaire cité avant le 31 mai 2021. Vous pouvez accéder au questionnaire en cliquant sur le lien suivant: Smart Cities Study 2021/Questionnaire pour les villes

Si vous rencontrez des difficultés pour accéder à la version en ligne, vous pouvez télécharger la version Word (version Espagnol et Anglais) et l’envoyer complété à


Smart City Live 2020


An online event (17-18 November) that combines a full-day television broadcast including interviews, debates, and success stories, with a second day featuring workshops, sessions, and side events.

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IEEE International Smart Cities Conference "Smart Cities Solutions for New Challenges, Including a Pandemic"

The IEEE International Smart Cities Conference is the flagship IEEE Smart Cities event which brings together practitioners, city policymakers & administrators, infrastructure operators, industry representatives and researchers to present technologies and applications, share their experiences & views with current and future  Smart Cities applications.  The conference includes keynote and panel session discussions, tutorials given by experts on state-of-the-art topics, and special sessions on emerging topics with the aim of complementing the regular program.

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Urban Mobility Days 2020

Previously intended to take place as a three-day conference in Brussels, the event's new online format will enable participants to join debates and exchange expertise on the most important urban mobility topics safely from their own desks.

The conference combines two leading events from Europe’s transport calendar: the CIVITAS Forum Conference and the European Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). It will allow policymakers, local authorities, academics, NGOs, urban transport practitioners, urban planners and all those putting the SUMP concept into practice to share their experiences using a virtual forum.

Over the course of the digital conference, delegates will hear sustainable urban mobility success stories from the CIVITAS Living Labs projects - and other examples of pioneering excellence from Europe and further afield. These will equip attendees with inspiration, tools, and know-how to further advance clean and sustainable transport in line with the European Green Deal.

With such a wealth of expertise and knowledge-sharing, Urban Mobility Days provides the ideal opportunity to digitally network, debate key issues, and exchange ideas on emerging transport trends and technologies and the latest developments in sustainable urban mobility planning.

The conference will also go beyond transport by connecting zero-emission mobility initiatives with broader EU efforts to tackle climate change and make Europe a carbon-neutral continent by 2050. Conference activities will also address the resilience of urban mobility in unforeseen circumstances, and take stock of lessons learned to date during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Free online training on sustainable urban design & development

A training on urban sustainable development will be organized online the 22nd and 23rd of July 2020 by Pilot4dev in cooperation with the project’s partners.

Our audience will be city mayors and practitionners in Indonesia and in South East Asia. The training is being developed by ISOCARP institute, the Centre for Urban Excellence.

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