UCLG Executive Bureau 2018

The highlights of the programme:

  • The meeting of the Working Group on Territorial Prevention and Management of Crises as well as the meeting of the Community of Practice on Mobility and the Steering Committee of the Forum on Intermediary Cities session will be held on Wednesday 23rd of May.
  • The Financial Management Committee and the Committee on Statutory Affairs are expected to take place on Thursday 24th of May.
  • The Business Session of the Executive Bureau will be held on Friday 25th of May.
  • The 4 Policy Councils will gather on 24th and 25th of May in the form of a Dialogue between Ministers and Local Governments.

Inclusive and safe cities, key for sustainable development

On the 25th of May a high level dialogue will take place bringing together Ministers, Mayors, Governors and other governmental representatives. The session organized in partnership with the United Nations Advisory Committee of Local Authorities (UNACLA) aims at linking the global goals with the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and contributing to the upcoming assessment of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 to the upcoming High Level Political Forum (HLPF) that will take place on 9-18th July in New York.

The outcomes of this event will be brought to the HLPF in the form of practical experiences of implementing and monitoring the SDGs at local level with special focus on SDG11l.

The day will conclude with the business session of the UCLG Executive Bureau and will the meetings will conclude on Saturday morning with a session on the Forum of CEOs of Local Governments Associations.

Note: The UCLG Executive Bureau meetings are closed meetings. Members of UCLG are welcome to contact the World Secretariat for additional information through the following email address: UCLGExBu@uclg.org.

City Solutions

The Uraía Platform, in collaboration with the City of Chicago and its partner City Tech Collaborative, will organize the first ever “City Solutions Series” between 11 and 12 of July 2018.

The new Uraía ¨City Solutions¨ Series aims at undertaking an in-depth examination of the experience of a specific city or territory. Focusing on its flagship projects, the activity will showcase them on an international platform. Cities with similar initiatives using SMART technologies to overcome management and service delivery challenges will be able to compare their own experiences from a city – to - city perspective.

Learn more about the event HERE!

Citizenship Series workshop

The 2018 Uraia Citizenship Series ¨Using data to empower cities and their citizens” will be hosted by the Brussels Capital Region on 30 and 31th May 2018, in collaboration with CIRB (Computer Center for the Brussels Region).

The event will gather cities around the world that are leveraging the power of data to provide a more effective public service delivery and drive positive impact on citizens´ lives.

Deadline to request support to participate in the event is 6th April 2018. 

Learn more HERE!

Register HERE

The Committee publishes the second edition of the Smart Cities Study 2017

For the elaboration of the study 20 cities from all around the world have participated through the sending of the data collection form with the information of their city.

The second edition of the “Smart Cities Study 2017” elaborated by the UCLG Committee of Digital and Knowledge-based Cities aims to provide information in a didactic way on the different strategies and projects that cities around the world are putting in place, in order to move forward on the key aspects that make up a “smart city”.

Cities are fully immersed in the Knowledge Society. We are increasingly hearing about smart factories, smart cities and smart specialisation strategies. The development of the “smart” concept is thus playing a central role in economic development strategies in our cities and regions.

Based on identifying good practices at the local level, this study analyses the key factors associated with Smart cities in fields such as innovation, entrepreneurship, knowledge and talent, and the digital economy.

The study is available in Spanish and English.



UCLG World Council

The 2017 UCLG World Council meetings will be held from 6 to 9 December 2017 in Hangzhou, China, at the kind invitation of Mayor Xu Liyi, and in conjunction with the Forum on Smart City and Big Data organized by the City of Hangzhou and the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC).

We want promote exchange and collaboration among cities and the international scene and to unite efforts to address common issues and challenges relating to city management."

Xu Liyi, Mayor of Hangzhou

In the Programme:

  • The meetings of the Committee on Statutory Affairs and the Financial Management Committee will be held on the morning of 7 December.
  • The Executive Bureau meeting will be held on Friday 8 December.
  • The World Council meeting will be held on Saturday 9 December.
  • The inaugural sessions of the Policy Councils will be held on Friday 8 and Saturday 9 December.
  • Committee & Working Group meetings will be organized on Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 December.

Forum on Smart City and Big Data

The Forum on Smart City and Big Data, organized by the City of Hangzhou and the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), will take place on the afternoon of 7 December.

The Forum will begin with an opening ceremony with addresses from high-level speakers, followed by one and a half hours of panel discussions.

Check this page periodically for the latest updates.

Note: The UCLG Executive Bureau meetings are closed meetings. Members of UCLG are welcome to contact the World Secretariat for additional information through the following email address: UCLGExBu@uclg.org

+ info

The Connected City Blueprint is now available

The Connected City Advisory Board (CCAB) from the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) would like to share with United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) the release of the first Connected City Blueprint.

This report intends to work as a guideline to support cities and government authorities to develop Connected City plans outlining factors to consider. It also provides a set of case studies to be used as a benchmark for future connected city deployments.

CCAB members hope this report can provide insightful information and best practices for the development of a connected city. CCAB plans to continue to evolve and grow the Connected City Blueprint and would like to invite United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) members to participate and provide additional use cases and critical topics to be addressed by the Blueprint.

The next version of the Connected City Blueprint is planned to be released on the CCAB meeting on 14th November that coincides with the Wireless Global Congress in New York City (13-15 November 2017).

For additional information please contact the Tiago Rodrigues (tiago@wballiance.com).

Take part in the WBA Smart City Research Initiative

Our partner, the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA), the Connected City Advisory Board and IHS Markit have taken the initiative to initiate quarterly research on specific topics relating Smart Cities.

The results of the market research will be made available in the form of white papers (developed by IHS Markit Research) to the participants of the survey, the WBA and CCAB members, UCLG Committtee of Digital and Knowledge-based Cities members and via IHS Markit and WBA mailing lists.

The first survey focusses on smart city activities around safety and security.

Please take 5 mins. of your time to complete this survey, as the results will help shape the smart city activities.

To access the survey, please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/IHSCCABQ12017. All responses will be kept anonymous.

4th WeGO General Assembly

The General Assembly of the World e-Governments Organization of Cities and Local Governments (WeGO) is the organization’s triennial flagship conference accompanied by numerous smart city-related side events.

300+ mayors, chief information officers, and public officers of cities and local governments, as well as international organizations, academia, and IT companies, will gather from all over the world to participate in the 4th WeGO General Assembly in Ulyanovsk Region, Russia from June 27-30, 2017.

This major event will consist of General Assembly and Executive Committee Meeting sessions that will cover key WeGO agenda; World Mayors Roundtable; World CIO Forum; City Digital Solutions Forum; thematic workshops on e-Government and Smart City issues; matchmaking meetings to connect participants; exhibitions; and gala dinners and tours.

Interested participants should visit wego2017.org


The congress will bring together over 400 global influencers and innovators to share knowledge, debate the challenges faced by our cities, encourage out of the box thinking and inspire a worldwide call for action in order to develop smarter and more sustainable cities.


Generating synergies with the issues that matter

  • Governance: City-to-city cooperation, commons, cooperation platforms, data maturity, e-democracy, e-government, engagement, multilevel governance, open data, open government, open innovation, policy framework, public-public cooperation, public services, service integration, transparency.
  • Mobility: Connected & self-driving vehicle, cycling, electric vehicle, freight, logistics optimization, integration platforms, intelligent transport systems, mobility as a service, multimodal transport system, non-motorized mobility, parking, pedestrian strategy, policy framework, public transport, real-time data, shared transportation, sustainable urban mobility, traffic management, transport hubs, transportation networks, walkable.
  • Safe Cities: Cybersecurity, data protection and privacy, disaster recovery, emergencies, legislation, public safety, regulation, resilience, risk management, security technologies, surveillance.
  • Economy: Accountability, new business model, cooperation model, entrepreneurship, development, financing, investing, public procurement, produsage, public-private-people partnership, public value, shared value, sharing economy, social economy, startup, user value.
  • Sustainability: Air pollution, alternative resources, climate change, energy, geoinformation, green areas, green building, intelligent building systems, greenhouse gas emissions, housing, lighting, low carbon, open space, population growth, public space, regeneration, regional development, renewable energy, rural development, rural grids, smart grids, strategic planning, urban design, urban planning and development, urban farming, urban furniture, utilities, water management, waste management, zero carbon.
  • Circular Economy: Blue economy, business model, closed loop, design for circularity, eco-design, food, green industry, industrial symbiosis, job creation, low carbon, logistic for circularity, material flow, packaging, plastics, product as service, productive cities, re-cycling, regenerative system, refurbish, remanufacturing, resource efficiency, re-use, repair, supply chain, textile, urban mining, zero waste.
  • Society: Ageing population, cocity, co-creation, co-production, culture, digital divide, education, e-health, e-learning, empowerment, equity, gender, health, inclusive, inequality, knowledge, living labs, participation, population growth, quality of life, right to the city, social innovation, social services, wellbeing.
  • Data & Technology: Advanced analytics, big data, block chain, business intelligence, cloud, city platform, computer networking, data center, data management, data visualization, digital modelling, disruptive technologies, distributed architectures, drones, geoinformation, hardware development, information technology, infrastructure development, internet, interoperability, network infrastructure, robotics, sensors & connectivity, service integration, software development, telecommunications.

+ information

UCLG Executive Bureau

The United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) Executive Bureau will be held on 18-19 April in Madrid, Spain, under the invitation of the Mayor of the city, Manuela Carmena.

The 2017 Executive Bureau will be held back-to-back with the World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Coexistence and Peace, taking place on 19-21 April, organized by the cities of Madrid, Paris and Barcelona, UCLG, UCCI, AIPAZ and UN Agencies.

The City Councils of Madrid and Paris propose that a summit meeting be celebrated in Madrid, the International Forum against Violence and for Peace Education, in order to start the process that will bring together local leaders, and personalities stemming from civil society and great thinkers. At the present stage cities and local governments have the duty, the responsibility, to work for Peace, to stop considering violence as a means of conflict resolution and to encourage education for Peace as an instrument of coexistence and future welfare.

Resolution of the World Council of United Cities and local Governments on 4th December 2015

The Executive Bureau of UCLG is responsible for initiating proposals and carrying out the decisions of the World Council. It is in charge of the World Organisation’s administrative and financial management. Composed of 115 members, it meets twice a year and usually gathers around 200 participants.

Draft programme

Policy discussions will be held on Tuesday 18 April at the invitation of FEMP, the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces.

The meetings of the Committee on Statutory Affairs and Financial Management Committee will also take place at the FEMP Headquarters.

The meeting of the Executive Bureau will take place on Wednesday 19 April at La Nave Exhibition Centre.

There is limited space for Committee and Working Group meetings on 17 and 18 April. A definite programme will be sent to you soon.

Note: The UCLG Executive Bureau meetings are closed meetings. Members of UCLG are welcome to contact the World Secretariat for additional information through the following email address: UCLGExBu@uclg.org

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