The main task of the Digital Cities Community of Practice is the regular updating of the “Smart Cities Study”. A study on the situation, needs and trends, which takes a global and transversal approach to the various ways in which a city’s potential for growth and transformation lie.
More information about the community
The objectives of the study
- Characterize the current situation and opportunities in these areas at the local level.
- Identify success stories (best practices) that can serve as a reference for other cities to advance in the concept of ‘smart city’.
- Identify key elements that can be obstacles or constitute facilitating elements for the development of these areas at the local level.
Additionally, collaborating with other institutions to prepare documents with recommendations on issues related to Smart Cities.
UCLG's Digital Cities Community of Practice currently has more than 88 members.
China | City of Pekín |
China | City of Guangzhou |
Indonesia | City of Batam |
Indonesia | City of Jakarta |
Indonesia | UCLG ASPAC |
Mongolia | Ciudad de Ulán Bator |
Philippines | City of Makati |
Republic of China (Taiwan) | City of Taichung |
Republic of China (Taiwan) | City of Taipéi |
Benin | National Association of Municipalities of Benin (ANBC) |
Congo | Association of Mayors of Congo |
Congo | City of Brazzaville |
Kenya | Association of Local Authorities of Kenya (ALGAK) |
Mali | City of Bamako |
Morocco | National Association of Municipalities of Morocco |
Morocco | Municipality of Rabat |
Morocco | Municipality of Sidi Boumehdi |
Mozambique | City of Maputo |
South Africa | United Cities and Local Governments of Africa |
Tanzania | Municipality of Morogoro |
Tunisie | City of Tunis |
Russia | City of Moscow |
Russia | City of Stavropol |
Albania | Albanian Association of Communes |
Albania | Municipality of Tirana |
Belgium | City of Anthisnes |
France | United Cities of France |
France | French Association of the European Council of Municipalities and Regions (AFCCRE) |
France | French Association of Regions |
France | Regional Council of Midi Pyrénées |
France | City of Bordeaux |
France | City of Elancourt |
France | City of Gières |
France | City of Lyon |
France | City of Suresnes |
Germany | City of Cologne |
Germany | City of Stuttgart |
Italy | United Cities (CICU) |
Italy | Municipality of Venecia |
Italy | Turin Province |
Poland | City of Lublin |
Poland | Polish Association of Municipalities |
Portugal | Municipality of Abrantes |
Portugal | Municipality of Faro |
Spain | City of Alcorcón |
Spain | City of Barcelona |
Spain | City of Bilbao |
Spain | Barcelona Province |
Spain | Spanish Federation of Municipalities |
Sweden | City of Estocolmo |
Switzerland | City of Ginebra |
Switzerland | Digital Solidarity Fund |
Canada | City of Toronto |
Canada | City of Montreal |
USA | National League of Cities |
Argentina | City of Mendoza |
Argentina | City of Rosario |
Argentina | Federation of Municipalities of Argentina (FAM) |
Argentina | Municipality of Esperanza |
Brazil | Municipality of Camaçari |
Brazil | Municipality of Curitiba |
Brazil | Municipality of Petrópolis |
Brazil | Municipality of Porto Alegre |
Brazil | Municipality of Jacarei |
Brazil | Municipality of Lages |
Brazil | Municipality of Várzea Paulista |
Brazil | City of Rio de Janeiro |
Brazil | National Confederation of Municipalities of Brazil (CNM) |
Chile | Association of Municipalities of Chile |
Chile | Reginonal Association of Municipalities of Antofagasta |
Chile | City of Peñalolen |
Colombia | Federation of Municipalities of Colombia (FCM) |
Colombia | Municipality of Medellín |
Colombia | Municipality of Tulua |
Costa Rica | Municipality of San José |
Ecuador | City of Quito |
Ecuador | Latin American Federation of Municipalities (FLACMA) |
Mexico | Mexico City |
Mexico | Association of Municipalities of Mexico (AMMAC) |
Mexico | Association of Local Authorities of Mexico |
Mexico | National Federation of Municipalities of Mexico |
Paraguay | Municipality of Asunción |
Dominican Republic | Dominican Federation of Municipalities |
Dominican Republic | Dominican Federation of Municipalities (FEDOMU) |
Venezuela | Municipality of Caroní |
Kuwait | Aran Town Organization |
Lebanon | City of Beirut |
Lebanon | City of Tripoli |
Palestine | City of Khan Younis |
Palestine | Municipality of Ramallah |
Turkey | Metropolitan Municipality of Diyarbakir |