First Call for Pilot-Projects of the Uraía Platform
We inform you that the Uraía Platform has recently opened its first call for Pilot-Projects support. The deadline for projects submission is August 31st 2015.
One of the main activities of the Uraía Platform is to facilitate pilot projects implementation by offering technical assistance to partners that are willing to experiment in their territories. It will particularly encourage the development of pilot applications to improve municipal finances. According to the demand of the partner, Uraía might offer technical assistance for:
- The elaboration of economic, legal and financial feasibility studies of the project; and procurement procedures.
- The identification of service & technology providers.
- The identification of adapted technologies for the project.
- The identification of experiences from other municipalities and organization of technical visits.
How to apply:
Only two projects will be selected in 2015. If you are interested in submitting a project from your local government, please fill the APPLICATION FORM and return it to before August 31st 2015.
More information:
9th European Ecommerce Conference "Reshaping the future of the digital economy"
Under the motto “Reshaping the future of the digital economy" on 18 – 19 November 2015 will be held in the City of Bilbao one of the most important events at the European level on the digital economy.
This year, the, European Ecommerce Conference will gather again international speakers and companies that are setting up the trends on the field of the digital economy, with a complete program of conferences, presentations and debates.
More information:
The Committee renews its website
From the Committee we have being working during the months of June and July in the renewal of the Committee website and we are glad to inform you that the website is online.
We wanted to create a more attractive website that can facilitate the dissemination of the activities in which from the Committee we are working on. From the Presidency of the Committee we would like to extend an invitation to all the Committee members to use the website as a communication channel to inform on their activities related with the Committee by sending news, experiences and events.
If you would like a news or event to be published in the website, please contact:
UCLG-MEWA Smart Cities Committee Meeting
We inform you that the International Brand Cities Summit and UCLG-MEWA Smart Cities Committee Meeting, co-organized by United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia Section (UCLG-MEWA), World Academy for Local Government and Democracy (WALD) and Konya Metropolitan Municipality will take place on
8-9 September 2015 in the City of Konya, Turkey.
UCLG-MEWA Smart Cities Committee Meeting will provide a great opportunity for approval of the Committee program of activities by participants and exchange ideas about activities and works in the field of Smart City Practices which is the main theme of the meeting.
The deadline for sending the presentation request form is: August 15.
Please click on the links below to access the following documents:
With the aim of boosting the exchange of knowledge and collaboration between cities, the UCLG Committee of Digital and Knowledge-based Cities organizes an annual thematic and operative event that can allow the exchange of experiences and knowledge as well as the debate among the participants, on topic related to the use of new technologies, innovation and knowledge to make more efficient and sustainable cities. The first meeting took place in 2013 in the City of Bordeaux (France) focused on the “Smart Local Economy”, the second one took place in 2014 in the City of Bilbao and was centered on the “Smart Local Governance: The challenge of good governance in local administrations”.
In 2015, the event will be held on 1-2 October 2015 in the City of Sao Paulo, Brazil, under the title:
II Seminar on the Modernization of the Municipal Management
The Seminar is organized by the National Confederation of Municipalities of Brazil (CNM) which holds the Vice-presidency of the Committee for Latin America and the Organization of American States (OEA), the Development Bank of Latin America, the Committee Presidency -Chaired by the City of Bilbao- and the Latin American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Associations (FLACMA).
This event will represent a unique opportunity to exchange and disseminate innovative experiences in the field of the Municipal Public Management with the aim of reinforcing public administrations in the Region and fostering innovation in the public sector.
During two days, topics relevant to the management of Public Governments will be discussed, such as:
- Open government at local level
- Innovation in local administration
- Integrated Municipal management systems
- Electronic local government
- The need of boosting Public Privet Partnerships (PPPs)
- Sustainable urban mobility
- Technologies applied to environmental management
Registration to the seminar has no cost and it will have available translation to Spanish and Portuguese.
Each participant should take care of its own travel, visa and accommodation costs.
(in Spanish)
Should you have any question or need further information, please contact the International Department of the CNM. The contact person is Tatiane de Jesus (+55 61 2101-6032, email
More information:
The Committee collaborates with the Uraía Platform in the organization of its first capacity-building workshop in Oslo
The Committee has being an active partner of the Uraía platform since it was launched in 2014 during the workshop "SMART Technologies for municipal sustainability" held in Santander.
On June 29th and 30th 2015, the Uraía Platform organized its first capacity building activity in Oslo, Norway, on "Public-Private Partnerships Negotiation for SMART City Management".
More than 35 representatives from local governments and their associations, private sector, research centers, civil society and international organizations from Europe, Africa, Latin America and Asia, participated in the first Capacity-building Workshop of the Uraía Platform on Public-Private Partnerships Negotiation for SMART City Management in Oslo on June 29 and 30 organized in partnership between FMDV and UN-Habitat with the support of the UCLG Committee of Digital and Knowledge-based Cities.
During the two-day Workshop - including a field visit to Oslo´s SMART City initiatives, panel discussions, round tables and informal discussions -, the participants shared their experiences and knowledge on negotiating and implementing Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the field of SMART technologies for improving public services. The representative from the City of Porto Alegre (Brazil), for example, shared its Open Data policy called "Data PoA". The representative from the Municipality of Kinondoni, Tanzania, shared its program to collect taxes through a mobile phone application. The City of Johannesburg, South Africa, spoke about its experience of establishing a PPP contract in public lightning. Representatives from the private sector as Veolia or Change Tomorrow presented their work with local governments. Representatives from institutions such as Nomadéis, OCDE or Instituto Superiore Mario Boella, gave specific recommendations on how local governments should implement PPPs for SMART management. Some of these recommendations are: the careful evaluation of the local government´s capacities; a balanced distribution of risks and potential benefits between city administrations, the private stakeholder and citizens; the careful examination of the business partner, and the adaptation of PPP frameworks to technological innovations in fast-changing contexts.
The Workshop highlighted common concerns and shared difficulties, the need for fostering experience exchange and dialogue between the private and public sector as well as among cities that often face similar problems and challenges in the negotiation of PPPs and in the provision of public services. The informal, participatory and inclusive format of the Workshop allowed for engaging discussions and an in-depth analysis of the needs of local governments in the process of establishing and implementing PPPs involving SMART technologies.
The discussions of the Workshop will inform a set of Guidelines aiming at supporting local governments in their negotiation of contracts with the private sector for the implementation of SMART technologies applied to municipal management. It should establish a roadmap with main steps to prepare and negotiate a PPP contract, keys elements of success, main risks and difficulties encountered and mistakes to avoid.
For more information: