The Connected City Blueprint is now available
The Connected City Advisory Board (CCAB) from the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) would like to share with United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) the release of the first Connected City Blueprint.
This report intends to work as a guideline to support cities and government authorities to develop Connected City plans outlining factors to consider. It also provides a set of case studies to be used as a benchmark for future connected city deployments.
CCAB members hope this report can provide insightful information and best practices for the development of a connected city. CCAB plans to continue to evolve and grow the Connected City Blueprint and would like to invite United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) members to participate and provide additional use cases and critical topics to be addressed by the Blueprint.
The next version of the Connected City Blueprint is planned to be released on the CCAB meeting on 14th November that coincides with the Wireless Global Congress in New York City (13-15 November 2017).
For additional information please contact the Tiago Rodrigues (
Take part in the WBA Smart City Research Initiative
Our partner, the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA), the Connected City Advisory Board and IHS Markit have taken the initiative to initiate quarterly research on specific topics relating Smart Cities.
The results of the market research will be made available in the form of white papers (developed by IHS Markit Research) to the participants of the survey, the WBA and CCAB members, UCLG Committtee of Digital and Knowledge-based Cities members and via IHS Markit and WBA mailing lists.
The first survey focusses on smart city activities around safety and security.
Please take 5 mins. of your time to complete this survey, as the results will help shape the smart city activities.
To access the survey, please visit All responses will be kept anonymous.
4th WeGO General Assembly
The General Assembly of the World e-Governments Organization of Cities and Local Governments (WeGO) is the organization’s triennial flagship conference accompanied by numerous smart city-related side events.
300+ mayors, chief information officers, and public officers of cities and local governments, as well as international organizations, academia, and IT companies, will gather from all over the world to participate in the 4th WeGO General Assembly in Ulyanovsk Region, Russia from June 27-30, 2017.
This major event will consist of General Assembly and Executive Committee Meeting sessions that will cover key WeGO agenda; World Mayors Roundtable; World CIO Forum; City Digital Solutions Forum; thematic workshops on e-Government and Smart City issues; matchmaking meetings to connect participants; exhibitions; and gala dinners and tours.
Interested participants should visit