The Committee will renew its term of office in the World Congress in México
According to the terms of reference for the Functioning of UCGL´s Committees and Working Groups, the Committees must renew their term of office every 3 years. Once this time has passed, since the renewal of our Committee approved during the II World Congress of UCLG held in 2007 in Jeju, South Korea, it is time to renew again the term of office of the Committee for the next period 2011-2013.
From the Presidency of the committee we believe that the balance of the work developed until today has been positive, and that the objective and work of the Committee has still not been concluded. For this reason, we have sent all the documentation required by UCLG´s World Secretariat to present our interest in the renewal. This documentation will be evaluated and analyzed by a Advice Committee designated by UCLG, previous to the celebration of UCLG´s III World Congress to be held from the 11th to the 16th November in Mexico City.
We thank all the members that have sent their support to this renewal.