

Development and implementation of an automatic vehicle access control system for areas with special traffic conditions in order to regulate and control pedestrian preference zones and thus facilitate coexistence in these areas with the mobility needs of different groups (residents, shopkeepers, hoteliers, etc.).

The first area to be integrated into the new control system was the Old Quarter, and other pedestrian areas of the city will gradually be incorporated.


• Definition of entry conditions and authorised profiles.
• Identification of the specific needs of Bilbao City Council and the different economic activities affected.
• Development of a Control Centre for the correct management, operation and compliance with access conditions.
• Definition of integrations with municipal and extra-municipal information systems.
• Development of a municipal mobile application so that users can manage their authorisations.
• Installation of 30 Control Points in the Old Town area.
• Development of tests in the 3 municipal environments and coordination with the Municipal Police in order to define the applicable sanctioning process.


• Provision of a Citizen Service Office to provide information, both in person and by telephone, on the conditions of access to the Old Town site.
• Use of different communication strategies (information through municipal channels, information leaflets, etc.) to inform citizens about the implementation of the access control system.
• Clear definition of objectives and scope from the beginning of the project.
• Involvement of the different municipal agents: BilbaoTIK, Public Safety and Economy and Finance.


• Promotion of sustainable mobility.
• Reducing the level of vehicles circulating in the Old Town, reducing greenhouse gases and the noise generated by them.
• The reduction in traffic has contributed to an increased sense of security among the elderly and increased local economic activity.
• The automation of registration processes has made it possible to speed up procedures for citizens with mobility needs.
• The automation of control processes has reduced fraud generated by unauthorised access to priority areas.

Bilbao Data Government


Transformation of Bilbao City Council and the Municipal Public Companies into Data-Driven Organisations.


• Drawing up of a "Bilbao data manifesto", in which the principles of the use of municipal data are set out
• Definition of the municipal data governance model
• Design of the necessary architecture in the medium term
• Benchmarking of tools that facilitate the work of municipal technicians for the preparation and availability of data.
• Definition of the operational model of data governance.
• Implementation of one of the benchmarking tools.
• Implementation of use cases to promote the use of data in daily municipal operations.


• Definition of the data governance strategy and models.
• Definition of roles and the process of adopting them.
• Definition of the logical architecture, definition of phases and study and choice of tools.
• Identification of key users within the organisation.
• Creation of use cases.
• Communication and dissemination tasks.


• Establishment of policies and references for the use of municipal data sources. Definition of methodology and procedures.
• Involvement of the different municipal areas (data owners/data stewards).
• Development and implementation of operational control dashboards in the areas.
• Carrying out the first advanced data analyses
• First steps in the development of data literacy, involvement of the whole organisation in data governance.

Bogotá Smart Territory

The Bogotá Smart Territory Policy establishes an implementation horizon from 2023 to 2032, promoting sustainable solutions based on data.


Consolidate Bogotá as a Smart Territory by promoting the use and exploitation of data, technology and innovation by the actors and sectors of the territory, to solve problems and generate opportunities that improve people's quality of life.


The Bogotá Territorio Inteligente 2023-2032 Public Policy is an initiative led by the High Councillor for ICTs of the General Secretariat of the Office of the Mayor of Bogotá. Its formulation process began in 2021 and went through different phases: preparatory, public agenda and policy formulation. As a result of this process, the final version of the action plan of the Bogotá Smart Territory Public Policy was generated. This action plan includes 7 specific objectives, 7 results and 36 products that will be the responsibility of 14 district entities of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá. The policy was approved on 31 May 2023 and is valid for 10 years.


The Bogotá Smart Territory Policy establishes an implementation horizon from 2023 to 2032, promoting sustainable solutions based on data, technology, and innovation, and seeks an intersectoral intervention for the development of a smart territory in Bogotá.


During the process of formulating the Bogotá Smart Territory Policy, the insufficient conditions were identified to develop a collective intelligence based on data, technology and innovation that efficiently responds to the city's problems. Sixty joint construction spaces were held with the participation of more than 24,000 people from different sectors, where the problematic situation was characterised, and strategic factors were defined using design thinking methodologies. Subsequently, the action plan was drawn up in 22 virtual roundtables with public servants and feedback was received from the entities, resulting in the approval of the Bogotá Smart Territory Public Policy on 31 May 2023, with 7 objectives, 7 results and 36 products in charge of 14 district entities for a 10-year period.

Belo Horizonte S.M.A.R.T!

Belo Horizonte S.M.A.R.T! aims to integrate more efficiently the policies and projects of the different departments of the City of Belo Horizonte.


Through technological development and modernization, Belo Horizonte S.M.A.R.T! aims to integrate more efficiently the policies and projects of the different departments of the City of Belo Horizonte. To achieve this, the municipality uses the interconnected approaches of smart cities to increase its operational efficiency and sustainable development, so that it can fulfil its main commitment to improve the well-being of its citizens.


Aiming to adapt the structures and projects of the municipality to better meet the demands of the population, Belo Horizonte S.M.A.R.T! is improving, through technological integration, the responsiveness of public administration, assisting in the provision of more efficient public services and improving the quality of life of its citizens. The Program has developed an interconnected network of actions promoted by the city to facilitate access for the entire population, and has been implemented through five different axes, namely: sustainability, environment and citizenship, promoting community participation and environmental education for the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, and productive inclusion combined with waste management; mobility and security, incorporating new technologies for the integrated and intelligent management of daily life in the city; accessibility to governance and citizen services, ensuring participatory citizenship, transparency and public access to information and services; resilience in economic and urban development, focused on attracting investment and fostering innovation; technology as culture and digital inclusion, with the aim of ensuring that citizens have the ability to enjoy technology.


The key to the success of Belo Horizonte S.M.A.R.T! lies in combining the main approaches of smart cities with new technologies and tools for the implementation of public policies, and the city's commitment to sustainable development and improving the quality of life of its inhabitants.


Belo Horizonte S.M.A.R.T! is now fully active. Each project is in a different stage of implementation, and the Program is present throughout the administrative area of the city, focusing on the most vulnerable areas. The network of public and private actions developed by the Program has generated a positive impact for approximately 2.5 million inhabitants, improving the reach and results of the different sectors.

Izmir City’s Digital Square - ‘’BizIzmir’’

The main objective is to empower Izmir residents by facilitating their direct participation in decision-making processes and to establish a culture of democracy within the city.


The Bizİzmir project aims to foster a transparent, pluralistic, and participatory municipalism approach. Its main objective is to empower Izmir residents by facilitating their direct participation in decision-making processes and establishing a culture of democracy within the city. The project achieves this through the development of the BizIzmir website and mobile app, which serve as a centralized and interoperable platform to access information on municipal services, provide feedback and participate in citizen-driven initiatives.


In accordance with the established objectives, the following features and modules have been developed and integrated into the platform. These are fully accessible from both web browsers and the mobile application. Bizİzmir is a platform that offers information transparency services, access to municipal services, electronic transactions, social support, social support, citizen participation, emergency information, smart parking, transportation guide, veterinary appointments, accessibility, local information, and personalized notifications. It aims to empower Izmir residents and improve the quality of life in the city.


The total numbers of downloads of the app are as follows:
• Android: Total number of installations at any given time 181,000, and average number of weekly downloads of the app 60.
• iOS: Total number of installs at any given time: 46,200, and average number of weekly downloads of the app 227.


Bizİzmir has been facilitating the daily lives of thousands of Izmir citizens every day with the services it offers. In parallel, it has made it possible to reach more citizens and has contributed to increasing citizen awareness of the Municipality's actions and projects. And in turn, this digital tool has been especially beneficial for Izmir Municipality in data collection and policy adaptation, as it aims to develop local government accountability, encourage digital citizen participation to provide a more adequate public service and promote a democratic culture.

Izmir Govtech Initiative

The İzmir Metropolitan Municipality has been able to optimize resource allocation, improve efficiency and raise the overall quality of governance.


The İzmir GovTech Initiative is a comprehensive initiative developed by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality to transform governance through the integration of innovative technologies and digital tools. This initiative encompasses several projects, including Emergency Izmir, Visit Izmir, Izmir Agriculture Mobile App, Smart Alert System Project, and Emergency Information System.


• Emergency Izmir. Improves emergency response and coordination during disasters and emergency situations, such as earthquakes, fires, search and rescue operations, accidents, and floods.

• Smart Alert System Project. The Information Technology Department of the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality has developed a solution for the detection and rapid response to fire and flood situations, which are considered the most critical problems in the region.

• Emergency Information System. Citizens can take necessary measures and precautions by being informed in advance of disasters, emergencies, and weather events without delay. They can receive instant information about all events occurring in the vicinity according to their location and act.

• Visit Izmir. The Visit Izmir mobile application allows those who wish to visit Izmir on their cell phones to learn about more than 2,300 points of interest in the city.

• Izmir Agriculture Mobile Application. The mobile application provides a comprehensive platform for producers engaged in agricultural activities in Izmir. It combines agricultural support, data analysis, market access and information sharing to improve productivity, sustainability, and economic growth in the agricultural sector.


By leveraging technology, the İzmir Metropolitan Municipality has been able to optimize resource allocation, improve efficiency, and raise the overall quality of governance. The success of these projects serves as a testament to the transformative potential of government technology (GovTech) to improve public administration and service delivery.


Through the integration of technology and innovative solutions, the initiative has significantly improved emergency response and coordination during disasters, strengthened fire prevention and management, provided advanced information for disaster preparedness, enhanced tourism promotion and visitor experience, and supported agricultural activities.

Vienna Climate Team

Vienna Climate Team is an initiative of the City of Vienna that encourages the participation of residents in shaping their environment and implementing climate-friendly ideas.


The Vienna Climate Team aims to address the climate crisis through joint action and collaboration. It is an innovation in governance and participation that seeks to initiate cross-cutting and thematic projects for climate change protection and adaptation, ultimately creating a liveable, carbon-neutral Vienna.


The participatory Vienna Climate Team project has a duration of two years (2022 and 2023) and seeks climate-friendly ideas for three districts each year. A budget of approximately €20 per inhabitant is allocated to implement the projects. The process involves submission of ideas by residents, evaluation by experts from the City of Vienna, co-creation workshops, evaluation of project outlines and final selection by a citizen jury. Implementation of the winning projects is carried out by the City of Vienna within two years. The initiative has administrative structures and a support network, and continuous evaluation is carried out to improve its effectiveness. The evaluation results will support the transition of the pilot project to regular operation after the two-year trial period.


Resident participation, diversity of ideas and knowledge, and collaboration between the city's political and administrative bodies and residents are the key success factors of the Vienna Climate Team. By empowering residents and promoting their participation, the initiative seeks to generate innovative ideas, promote community involvement, and implement selected projects that contribute to a more sustainable and climate-resilient future in Vienna.


During its pilot year in 2022, the Vienna Climate Team achieved significant results. More than 1,100 ideas were received, resulting in the development of 102 projects. Currently, 19 winning projects are being implemented. In addition, strong organizational structures were established, and a support network was built. In the current pilot year of 2023, more than 1,300 ideas were submitted, and plans are being developed for the implementation of additional projects starting in 2024.

Montevideo's Data Strategy

Montevideo's Data Strategy aims to generate a greater impact on management both within the organization, as well as on the citizenry itself.


Montevideo's Data Strategy aims to generate a greater impact on management both within the organization, as well as on citizens, by improving the decisions generated from a data culture based on management transparency and the continuous search for innovative solutions.


Data is the raw material for evidence-based decision making. The key is to collect data from all possible sources and to have mechanisms for its storage, which in turn can be shared among all agencies and with citizens. This includes having a City Data Inventory, as well as the creation of the Montevideo Observatory and the Open Data and Services Portal.


The permanent support from the authorities, starting with the mayor herself, and the conviction on the part of the officials in the adoption of this policy.


Work has been carried out throughout 2022 and until March 2023 in a “What Work Cities” certification process regarding the management of a data-driven city by Bloomberg Philanthropies. As a result of this process, the need to create a Data Committee has been perceived, with people from the different departments of the Municipality. In addition, the first thematic observatories (in environmental and health areas) have been implemented within the framework of the Montevideo Observatory, which includes different types of indicators and visualizations. Likewise, the Open Data Portal has been relaunched and the Open Services Portal (Montevideo API) was created, where the use and publication of different APIs for the creation of applications by third parties using services developed by the Municipality itself is promoted.

Barcelona Provincial Council's Smart Region Platform

IoT-based technological platform at the service of the Barcelona Provincial Council that allows storing and analysing territorial data to improve local governance.


Implement a technological platform based on IoT at the service of the municipalities of the province of Barcelona that allows storing and analysing territorial data to improve local governance in terms of innovation (new knowledge, new applications, etc.), efficiency (real-time data management, control of services and suppliers, etc.) and transparency.


The Barcelona Provincial Council offers this platform as a multi-entity service in the cloud. The municipalities that request this service can connect sensors that they have in their territory and connect them to this platform, thus being able to store, manage and analyse the data sent by the devices. Some of the connected sensors are the following: electricity, gas and water consumption monitoring sensors, electric power generation sensors, irrigation management sensors, mobility, municipal fleet management, garbage container sensors, noise sensors, air quality sensors, temperature, pedestrian flow, etc.


By making use of this platform, urban projects have a greater potential for replicability and transferability to other cities since they adopt the same standard language (the same API "Application Protocol Interface" and data standardization) for all cities in the territory, which facilitates implementation from the public sector, as well as the provision of services from the private sector. Similarly, another key factor is the sharing of information between municipalities so that technical managers can share knowledge.


67 municipalities in the province are using the platform with more than 14,000 connected sensors. This has enabled increased cooperation between different levels of government and municipalities. In addition, some data is public, thus improving transparency and collaboration. The data sent to the platform is used by the different teams from different areas of each municipality for the management of different services (Environment, Urbanism and Mobility, Infrastructures, etc.). The Barcelona Provincial Council conducts annual surveys on the service provided by the platform to the municipalities, and the feedback collected is generally positive.