UCLG World Congress and World Council

The 2019 Congress will provide the opportunity to present progress in the implementation of the SDGs and their impacts at local level. It should also be the occasion to show the evolution of our World Organization within the framework of its 15th anniversary.

5th World Forum on Local Economic Development

The 5th World Forum on Local Economic Development will take place on 17-20 September in Cordoba, Argentina.

UCLG Executive Bureau

The UCLG Executive Bureau will take place in Montevideo on 5-6 April 2019.

+ info:

MC2CM - Peer to Peer learning: How to build knowledge on urban migration: innovative tools and practices to face data challenges

The MC2CM peer to peer learning event on "How to build knowledge on urban migration: innovative tools and practices to face data challenges" will take place in Amman, Jordan on 19-20 March. This first regional peer to peer focuses on the theme of data, aiming to enhance capacity of cities through exchange and sharing of knowledge, expertise and know-how in the field.

Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals : Accelerating and supporting the implementation of the SDGs at the local level

This high-level event on localizing the Sustainable Development Goals will be co-organized with Local2030. UNDP will also be closely involved and UCLG has been invited to be involved in the Steering Committee in representation of the constituency.

The Steering Committee, facilitated by Local2030, represented by the Executive Office of the Secretary General (EOSG), is composed of: UNDP, UN‑Habitat, UNDESA, the UN Global Compact, ECLAC, the UN Foundation, UNCDF, UN Environment, UCLG, and the National Government of Spain.

UCLG has invited the Spanish Government to attend the GTF’s annual meeting and provide a first-hand briefing to all members. This event is important to ensure links with our LRG Forum at the HLPF in September, envisaged for the 24th

+ info: https://www.uclg.org/es/node/29638 

Barcelona 2019 - Retiro de CGLU

The fifth edition of the Annual Retreat & Campus will take place in Barcelona, from 11 to 15 February 2019.

The retreat is the occasion to harness the power of our network and continue our work based on the collaboration and achievements of the last few years, as well as increase visibility and impact at all levels.

What is the UCLG Retreat?

The UCLG Annual Retreat is a week-long gathering that provides an opportunity for the key notes of the organization and partners to define synergies and develop actions in line with the work plans set out by the governing bodies.

The Annual Retreat further offers participants an opportunity to boost the connections among the different parts of the UCLG ecosystem, including the involvement of political leaders and the technical staff, to come together as a Network and reflect on our priorities for the rest of the year.

During the five years since its inception, the UCLG Annual Retreat has become a global gathering, one that participants have come to define as “the DAVOS of local action”, signaling the good health of the Retreat, as well as the willingness of participants to engage, and its usefulness for the broader UCLG Network.

+ info: https://www.uclg.org/es/node/29554 

Sustainable Urban Mobility Congress - SUM Bilbao19

SUM Bilbao 19 is the first edition of an international event which aims to lead a global reflection on the future of mobility and its impact on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the cities of the 21st century.

More than 40 speakers are expected to participate, who will address the main strategic aspects for the construction and consolidation of sustainable urban mobility systems, around three thematic axes: public policies, technology and innovation, and opportunities for development.

SUM Bilbao 2019 is jointly organized by the City Council of Bilbao, an international benchmark in urban transformation processes, and Petronor, a local energy company committed to the economic and social development of Basque Country. Both stakeholders are aware of the need for addressing the most urgent and concerning global issues about mobility, as well as its opportunities.

The event will bring together leading international experts from different sectors related to cities and urban mobility: local governments, international organizations, private companies, start-ups, technological centres and universities.

In addition to the exchange of knowledge and experiences, the main outcome of this meeting will be the signing of the “Bilbao Declaration”, an agreement that builds bridges between current mobility policies and practices and sets out the path towards models aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030.

It will take place at the Euskalduna Conference Centre in the city of Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain on 20 and 21 February 2019.

+ info: www.sumbilbao19.com


Smart City Expo World Congress

Smart City Expo World Congress exists in order to empower cities and collectivize urban innovation across the globe. Through promoting social innovation, establishing partnerships and identifying business opportunities, the event is dedicated to creating a better future for cities and their citizens worldwide.

+ info: www.smartcityexpo.com

UCLG World Council 2018

The UCLG World Council will be held on 5-8 November in Madrid, Spain, under the invitation of the Mayor of the city, Manuela Carmena.

The World Council will be held in the framework of the 2nd World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Coexistence and PeaceThe Madrid World Forum on Urban Violence and Education for Coexistence and Peace is a meeting place for local leaders, international organisations and networks, the academic world, NGOs and civil society.

Its purpose is to open a joint process of debate, reflection and construction of common solutions that foster urban environments capable of eliminating expressions of violence.


The World Council is the principal policy-making body of the World Organization. It decides the World Organization’s policies and ensures that general policies decided by the General Assembly are implemented. 

For more information do not hesitate to get in touch with: UCLGExBu@uclg.org

Global Social Economy Forum (GSEF)

The Global Social Economy Forum GSEF is an international network that brings together local governments and civil society stakeholders committed to supporting the development of the Social Economy (SE). Through the collaboration between social economy organizations and local governments, the GSEF pursues creation of quality jobs, fair growth, progress of grassroots democracy, and sustainable development. Values such as human dignity and sustainable ecology are to be the underlying principles for every activity of the GSEF.

Welcomed by the Mayor of Seoul, Won-Soon Park, the GSEF reaches its 4th edition with the central theme “values and competitiveness for an inclusive and sustainable local development”.

+ info: