Data analysis tool for the improvement of decision-making in retail trade and the City Council itself.
Collection of data from different sources, both public and open data or private sources, to produce key indicator reports on the sector, for decision making by traders and for the knowledge of the commercial urban fabric and consumer behaviour by the City Council, so that it can launch or evaluate initiatives based on data. These will allow, among other things, studies of the commercial offer, characterisation of shops, intelligent services linked to the offer or the study of the behaviour of current or potential customers depending on certain circumstances (weather, time of day, event in the city, etc.).
• To have real, objective, unbiased data for the diagnosis of the evolution of the commercial sector. Traceability by areas, types of businesses, specific dates, etc.
• Collaborative approach and collaboration between different agents.
• Prior analysis of the viability of use cases with different beneficiaries: citizens, the commercial fabric, municipal economic promoters.
• Digitalisation and incorporation of new technologies.
• Identification and preparation of key data sources.
• For the Municipal Area or Entity: greater and better knowledge of the urban commercial fabric and the behaviour of residents and visitors in relation to commerce for better decision-making based on data analysis.
• For the citizens: better services and a wider range of shops, better urban planning, more life in the streets, more jobs.
• For businesses: improved profitability due to better decision making based on data analytics. Revitalisation and strengthening of small local businesses and a tool to compete with big business.