Data platform to improve the city's commerce


Data analysis tool for the improvement of decision-making in retail trade and the City Council itself.


Collection of data from different sources, both public and open data or private sources, to produce key indicator reports on the sector, for decision making by traders and for the knowledge of the commercial urban fabric and consumer behaviour by the City Council, so that it can launch or evaluate initiatives based on data. These will allow, among other things, studies of the commercial offer, characterisation of shops, intelligent services linked to the offer or the study of the behaviour of current or potential customers depending on certain circumstances (weather, time of day, event in the city, etc.).


• To have real, objective, unbiased data for the diagnosis of the evolution of the commercial sector. Traceability by areas, types of businesses, specific dates, etc.
• Collaborative approach and collaboration between different agents.
• Prior analysis of the viability of use cases with different beneficiaries: citizens, the commercial fabric, municipal economic promoters.
• Digitalisation and incorporation of new technologies.
• Identification and preparation of key data sources.


• For the Municipal Area or Entity: greater and better knowledge of the urban commercial fabric and the behaviour of residents and visitors in relation to commerce for better decision-making based on data analysis.
• For the citizens: better services and a wider range of shops, better urban planning, more life in the streets, more jobs.
• For businesses: improved profitability due to better decision making based on data analytics. Revitalisation and strengthening of small local businesses and a tool to compete with big business.

Bogotá Smart Territory

The Bogotá Smart Territory Policy establishes an implementation horizon from 2023 to 2032, promoting sustainable solutions based on data.


Consolidate Bogotá as a Smart Territory by promoting the use and exploitation of data, technology and innovation by the actors and sectors of the territory, to solve problems and generate opportunities that improve people's quality of life.


The Bogotá Territorio Inteligente 2023-2032 Public Policy is an initiative led by the High Councillor for ICTs of the General Secretariat of the Office of the Mayor of Bogotá. Its formulation process began in 2021 and went through different phases: preparatory, public agenda and policy formulation. As a result of this process, the final version of the action plan of the Bogotá Smart Territory Public Policy was generated. This action plan includes 7 specific objectives, 7 results and 36 products that will be the responsibility of 14 district entities of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá. The policy was approved on 31 May 2023 and is valid for 10 years.


The Bogotá Smart Territory Policy establishes an implementation horizon from 2023 to 2032, promoting sustainable solutions based on data, technology, and innovation, and seeks an intersectoral intervention for the development of a smart territory in Bogotá.


During the process of formulating the Bogotá Smart Territory Policy, the insufficient conditions were identified to develop a collective intelligence based on data, technology and innovation that efficiently responds to the city's problems. Sixty joint construction spaces were held with the participation of more than 24,000 people from different sectors, where the problematic situation was characterised, and strategic factors were defined using design thinking methodologies. Subsequently, the action plan was drawn up in 22 virtual roundtables with public servants and feedback was received from the entities, resulting in the approval of the Bogotá Smart Territory Public Policy on 31 May 2023, with 7 objectives, 7 results and 36 products in charge of 14 district entities for a 10-year period.


DigitalCity.Wien is a joint initiative of the City of Vienna, the Viennese ICT sector, representatives of research and science and civil society with the aim of making Vienna a digital capital.


DigitalCity. Wien is a joint initiative of the City of Vienna, the Viennese ICT sector, representatives of research and science and civil society with the aim of making Vienna a digital capital, focusing on the following specific objectives: (a) making Vienna's digital solutions visible at local, national and international level, (b) networking between the actors of Vienna's digital location and in particular with the City of Vienna and its municipal administration, (c) discussing digitalisation developments and trends to ensure a future-oriented development in Vienna, (d) implementing digital solutions through innovative cooperative projects on site, and (e) increasing the digital competences of all stakeholders in Vienna: citizens, schoolchildren, administration, science and business.


Creation of a common platform, consisting of recurring formats of community events and networks (digital days, etc.), various initiatives for a Digital Vienna such as "She Digital" (promotion of digital careers and education for girls and women), and working groups on each of the core themes of the community with the aim of generating ideas, launching and initiating projects and initiatives.


The DigitalCity.Wien initiative is independent and open, providing a neutral platform for city and industry partners to meet, discuss ideas and take joint action.


The DigitalCity.Wien initiative was launched in 2013 based on a common need: the digitalisation skills shortage. Since then, the Viennese ICT sector and the City of Vienna have joined forces to work together to address the challenges of urban digitisation. As a result, the community has grown and new topics, formats and working methods have been established. Also, the visibility of digital solutions has been increased through event formats, the connection of different actors of Vienna's digital localisation, the implementation of solutions and the digital competences of the Viennese.

All in Rivas!

The initiative provides businesses, hotels, restaurants, and services with a space where they can make themselves known and offer their services and products for sale online or physically, or as a showcase for advertising.


The All in Rivas! project was born from the new economic and social paradigm that emerged after the pandemic, in which the need to promote measures from the Public Administration to contribute to the survival of the commercial and business fabric of the town became evident.


The City Council promoted a participatory process to shape, in the City Pact, the economic and social reactivation measures for Rivas. The creation of a business platform to facilitate online sales and logistics was the measure that attracted most support in the business and commerce forums.


This municipal initiative provides businesses, hotels and services with a space where they can make themselves known and offer their services and products for sale online or in person, or simply use the platform as a virtual showcase where they can advertise. It also facilitates home delivery and multi-buying for shops wishing to sell online.


All in Rivas! is part of the actions proposed by the social and economic agents included in the City Pact, such as the package of actions that include the implementation of an application for local businesses and support for their digitalisation, including the implementation of the e-commerce platform All in Rivas! In December 2022, the Councillor for Economic Development reported that 50 businesses had already registered their products on the platform and that 386 businesses were already registered on it.

SDG Idea Factory

The Centre for Entrepreneurship will enable entrepreneurs, community leaders and like-minded individuals to innovate, collaborate and activate the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Helping entrepreneurs address the world's most pressing social, environmental and equity challenges by bringing together several small business incubator programmes into one ecosystem, supporting social and environmental innovators as well as deserving equity entrepreneurs.


April 2023 saw the launch of the Centre for Entrepreneurship in downtown Kitchener, which will enable entrepreneurs, community leaders and like-minded individuals to innovate, collaborate and activate the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in a way that helps strengthen Kitchener. It will centralise small business and entrepreneurship programming and provide opportunities for collaboration and networking.

On the other hand, through "SDG Talks", a monthly lecture series that explores the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); it contributes to creating a more socially and environmentally sustainable planet. The main theme of the lecture series addresses business as a positive force.


At SDG Idea Factory, there is a community of supporters looking to support you on your journey. If they can't help you directly, they find someone who can.


The SDG Idea Factory has established partnerships and now hosts several local small business incubators, including Waterloo Region Small Business Centre, LiftOff by CCAWR Waterloo Wellington, Waterloo Region Community Foundation, The ForUsGirls Foundation and K-W Oktoberfest.

Izmir Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Initiative

The initiative aims to foster a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation across the city, in line with local high-potential sectors.


The İzmir Entrepreneurial Ecosystem initiative aims to foster a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation in the city, in line with local high-potential sectors. Through different multi-sectoral entrepreneurship programmes and facilities, the Municipality of İzmir is committed to supporting entrepreneurs, especially social entrepreneurs and creative industries. This initiative encompasses several key projects such as: Izmir Entrepreneurship Centre, IzQ, Fikrimiz, Fab Lab Izmir, Izmir Film Office and Izmir Game Development Centre.


First, an Entrepreneurship Centre offering incubation programmes and coworking spaces for startups, internationalisation support and collaborations with experts and investors. İzQ Academy provides training and conferences, while İzQ Agency offers corporate communication consultancy services. Fab Lab İzmir is a manufacturing lab with advanced technologies that provides prototyping training and technical advice for entrepreneurs. İzmir Film Office offers comprehensive support for audiovisual production and collaboration with local talent in the film industry. Finally, the Game Development Centre (OYGEM) is a game development centre offering training programmes and networking events.


The different initiatives that make up the project have been successful due to the comprehensive support provided to entrepreneurs through mentoring services, training, resources and facilities for the development of their projects. In addition, networking, collaboration between key actors and the thematic focus of each initiative contribute to the strengthening of Izmir's entrepreneurial ecosystem.


The İzmir Entrepreneurial Ecosystem project has managed to achieve several milestones, such as developing a startup community, promoting cross-sector collaboration, facilitating innovation and R&D, supporting social impact enterprises, providing access to finance and investment, generating employment and economic growth, boosting creative industries, and fostering knowledge sharing and learning.

The Municipal School of Talents

The Municipal School of Talents aims to provide the necessary tools to promote and enhance the employability of people, with an educational offer adapted to meet the current and future demands of the different productive sectors.


Provide the necessary tools to promote and enhance the employability of people, with an educational offer adapted to meet the current and future demands of the different productive sectors of the city. The new challenges of the labour market, the demand for language as a skill and the incorporation of innovation in the productive systems have determined a more demanding labour market. Therefore, it is aimed at all those who wish to develop technical and professional skills to access quality jobs or to strengthen their personal ventures, thus covering the labour demand.


From its creation in August 2022 until December of that year, 17 courses were given with a total of 144 hours of classes. Thus, a wide educational offer was provided, with training in network programming, public speaking and effective presentations, office automation I and II, photography for networks and Excel applied to business, music production courses, communication in social networks, advanced Word, and PowerPoint, among others.


The proposal is part of the actions implemented by the municipality as part of the consolidation of a management scheme in partnership with community stakeholders.


At the local level, during the first months there were nearly 300 graduates of the courses offered, while at the global level, the international meeting that laid the foundations for a World Laboratory of Intermediary Cities as territories of talents was attended by 20 cities and the presence of partner networks such as UCLG, Mercociudades, FLACMA (Latin American Federation of Cities, Municipalities and Municipal Associations) and ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability.