Following the commitment acquired by the presidency of the committee of boosting synergies with other UCLG committees and working groups, the City of Bilbao will take part in the II World Forum of Local Economic Development organized by UCLG´s Working Group on Local Economic Development and UNDP.
From the committee the development of “smart” local economies it´s been promoted, through the impulse of innovation, the support to entrepreneurship, the creation, retention and attraction of talent and the development of sectors of economic activity linked to new technologies, research and development in the territories.
With this vision the City of Bilbao will present its experience, in the II World Forum of Local Economic Development that will take place from October 29th to November 1st in Foz de Iguazu, Brazil.
The City of Bilbao will take part in the session “Key factors of Urban Governance for LED” to be held on October 31st.
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