With the participation of 17 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean attached to the Regional Action Plan for the Information Society, was held in Montevideo, Uruguay, the Preparatory Meeting for the Third Ministerial Conference, which analyzed the long-term strategy of the region, known as eLAC, which states that the information technology and communications (ICT) are tools for economic development and social inclusion.
The meeting, which took place on 23 and 24 September, was inaugurated by the Secretary of the Presidency of the Republic of Uruguay, Alberto Breccia, and the director of the Division of Productive and Business Development of the Cepal, Mario Cimoli.
During the meeting it was presented the current regional plan on the Information Society (eLAC2010) and it was discussed a new proposal for the following years (eLAC2015). It is expected the decisions taken at this meeting to be approved at the Ministerial Conference to be held in Lima in November.
Mario Cimoli expressed the strong commitment of Cepal to the ECLAC process. “ICT is a catalyst for growth with equality, and promote regional integration,” he said.
Cimoli reaffirmed that gender equality and equity in the region are two strong values of the regional commission of the United Nations, along with the improvement of the integration through dialogue and co-government.
He remarked that meetings like this are very helpful for the dialogue between countries and for building consensus that encourage the deepening of understanding and need for policies to promote the information society at regional level.
Alberto Breccia highlighted the value of the meeting and the need to empower Digital Agendas and ICT as tools for development, in order to make progress on social justice.
Source: Periódico La Reública, Uruguay