Sunday June 13, 2010 | | NLD Animus
A new digital agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean, which give guidelines for the development of information technology and communications, you´re looking to get the Economic Commission for Latin America (Cepal) through an electronic consultation organized mass by Information Society Programme.
The online survey, which can satisfy all stakeholders until 16 July, addressed 10 topics among which broadband access, electronic government and Internet legal framework. “Our consultation is to collect sensitive, opinions and proposals of all persons in the public or private, interested in the policies of the information society. Thus, to generate a regional action plan to reduce poverty, inequality and social exclusion, “said Anna Garcia, communications coordinator for the Information Society Programme of Cepal.
Garcia explained that the submissions received through the survey will be transformed into a work that will be presented at the Third Ministerial Conference of the Information, to be held in November in Lima, Peru. “At the conference, the countries will take our work to reach a consensus on information and technology plans, and from this, proposed future guidelines for each country in this field.´s Why it´s important that everyone vote,” adds coordinator. To vote, follow this link
Source: The Nació