GPPlab: Laboratório de Gestãoe Políticas Públicas

Language: Portuguese
Author: Cibele Franzese, Fundación Getulio Vargas

Reporte de Avances: Estrategias de Gobierno Abierto

Language: Spanish
Author: Carolina Pozo, Alcaldía de Quito, Ecuador

Espoo: Features of an Open and Transparent City

Language: English
City / Municipality: Ciudad de Espoo.
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e-Government in Korea: Present and Future

Language: English
City / Municipality: Ciudad de Seúl.
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Digital Cities Initiative: Seameless eGovernment Architecture for Austrian Cities and Towns

Language: English
City / Municipality: Asociación Austriaca de Ciudades y Municipios.
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UI Taipei - Towards an Intelligent and Ubiquitous City

Language: English
City / Municipality: Ciudad deTaipei
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To Promote the Construction of Guangzhou´s Information Sharing e-Government

Language: English
City / Municipality: Municipalidad de Guangzhou
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