Document "Renewal of the Mandate of the Committee for the period 2011-2013"

sent to UCGL for its evaluation on the III World Congress in Mexico City.

Document "From the Committee on the Information Society to the Digital and Knowledge-based Committee"

presented during the Committee meeting held during UCLG World Council in November 2009 in Guangzhou (China).

Plan of Activities 2010

presented and approved during the Committee meeting held during UCLG World Council in November 2009 in Guangzhou (China).

Report of Activities 2009

presented during the Committee meeting held during UCLG World Council in November 2009 in Guangzhou (China).

Plan of Activities of the Committee 2007-2010

presented during the Committee Meeting held on the occasion of the III FLACMA Congress in July 2007 in Florianopolis (Brazil).

Report of Activities of the Committee 2005-2007

Presented during II World Congress of UCLG in October 2008 in Jeju (South Korea).